Peter Maňo

I am interested in rituals, status management and costly signalling

I obtained my M.A. from the Institute of Cognition and Culture at Queen’s University Belfast in 2012. I am a research fellow at the Mauritian Laboratory for Experimental Anthropology (MALEXA), and was also a Fulbright fellow at the Experimental Anthropology Lab at the University of Connecticut, working with Dr. Dimitris Xygalatas. I am a member of the Center for Cognitive Anthropology at Comenius University Bratislava, at the Department of Social Anthropology, supervised by Dr. Martin Kanovský.

Currently, I work on the evolutionary functions of ritual signaling; on ritual status management in a religious community; on personal motivations to participate in rituals; and the experience of sport fanship in college basketball. My fieldsites include Mauritius where I did extensive fieldwork, and the USA where I spent two years collecting data using experimental anthropological methods.




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Journal Articles and Book Chapters:

2018 Maňo, P​. “Review of Radek Kundt (2016),​ ​Contemporary Evolutionary Theories of Culture and the Study of Religion.Journal of Cognitive Historiography, 3(1-2), 222-226. London and New York: Bloomsbury Academic.

2017 Maňo, P​. “Review of Kathryn T. McClymond (2016), Ritual Gone Wrong: What We Learn from Ritual Disruption, New York, Oxford University Press”, Religion, 48(1), 175-178. Abingdon: Taylor & Francis Group.

2017 Xygalatas, D., Kotherová, S., Maňo, P.​, Kundt, R., Cigán, J., Kundtová Klocová, E., & Lang, M. Big Gods in Small Places: The Random Allocation Game in Mauritius. Religion, Brain & Behavior, 8(2), 243-261. Abingdon: Taylor & Francis Group.

2016 Xygalatas, D., Kundtová Klocová, E., Cigán, J., Kundt, R., Maňo, P​., Kotherová, S., Mitkidis, P., Wallot, S. & Kanovsky, M. Location, location, location: Effects of cross-religious primes on prosocial behaviour. International Journal for the Psychology of Religion, 26(4), 3014-319. Abingdon:Taylor & Francis Group.

2014 Jerotijevič, D., Maňo, P.Ritual and Mind: Cognitive and Evolutionary Theory of Ritual (Rituál a mysl: Kognitivní a evoluční teorie rituálu). Pantheon, 9(1), 139-166. Pardubice: Univerzita Pardubice.

2014 Maňo P.Rituals as Costly Signals: Experimental Anthropology and its Application in Data Collection in Mauritius (Rituály ako nákladné signály: Experimentálna antropológia a jej využitie pri zbere dát na Mauríciu). Speculum, 6(3), 22-33. Bratislava: Slovenská asociácia sociálnej antropológie.

2012 Maňo, P​. Intercultural Research of Moral and Religious Intuitions (Medzikultúrny výskum morálnych a náboženských intuícií). In Bužeková, T; Jerotijević, D. Metodologické problémy etnografického výskumu, (pp. 122-131). Brno: Ústav etnológie Slovenskej akadémie vied.

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