Speaker Series

LEVYNA organizes an in-person speaker series in Brno, Czech Republic. Our speakers usually come for two or three days to chat with us, give a public talk on the topic of their interest and lead a workshop on a specific skill they developed for their research. We like to host speakers from various disciplines and with various skills to broaden our horizons.

Past Events

Pavel Duda

On the origin of (seemingly) maladaptive behaviors: Cultural evolution of marriage, costly rituals and sexual taboos

February 2024

University of South Bohemia

Erhao Ge


From Piety to Altruism: Exploring Religious Signalling and Prosociality in Evolutionary Anthropology

November 2023

University College London

Lubomír Cingl

Do prison inmates expect stigmatization? Evidence from lab-in-the-field experiments.

May 2023

University of Economics and Business

Konrad Talmont-Kamiński

The role of source vigilance in maintaining religiously-motivated cooperation - experimental and agent-based modelling evidence

March 2023

University of Bialystok

Benjamin G. Purzycki

Traditions and social complexity: A critical examination

December 2022

Aarhus University

Bret Beheim

Identifying tradeoffs between richness and evenness in artistic systems

December 2022


Dimitris Xygalatas

Ritual: How seemingly senseless acts make life worth living (book launch)

May 2022

Dept. of Psychological Sciences, University of Connecticut

Luke Glowacki

Rituals for war and peace

April 2022

Boston University

Manvir Singh

Why do human societies reliably develop suites of strikingly similar cultural practices?

December 2021


Joshua Conrad Jackson

How socioecological threats shape patterns of conflict and cooperation

October 2021

Northwestern University

Rita Anne McNamara

Ecologies of belief: How socio-ecological pressures shape mind perception and religious belief across cultures

May 2021

Victoria University of Wellington

Christopher Kavanagh

Ritualized trauma & social bonding: Examining the role of dysphoric ritual experience in generating social bonds, identity transformations and extreme pro-group behavior

April 2021

Oxford University

Eleanor Power

Faith in the faithful: Religious practice and social networks in rural south India

November 2020

The London School of Economics and Political Science

Rohan Kapitány

The evolution of ritual: Origins, structure, and functions;

Research credibility: Things you should do but might not want to

October 2020

Oxford University

Jiří Macháček

Germanic-Slavic cultural diffusion in the Pohansko region during the Early Middle Ages

February 2020

Masaryk University


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