LEVYNA organizes an in-person speaker series in Brno, Czech Republic. Our speakers usually come for two or three days to chat with us, give a public talk on the topic of their interest and lead a workshop on a specific skill they developed for their research. We like to host speakers from various disciplines and with various skills to broaden our horizons.
Past Events
Pavel Duda |
On the origin of (seemingly) maladaptive behaviors: Cultural evolution of marriage, costly rituals and sexual taboos |
February 2024 |
University of South Bohemia |
Erhao Ge
From Piety to Altruism: Exploring Religious Signalling and Prosociality in Evolutionary Anthropology |
November 2023 |
University College London |
Lubomír Cingl |
Do prison inmates expect stigmatization? Evidence from lab-in-the-field experiments. |
May 2023 |
University of Economics and Business |
Konrad Talmont-Kamiński |
The role of source vigilance in maintaining religiously-motivated cooperation - experimental and agent-based modelling evidence |
March 2023 |
University of Bialystok |
Benjamin G. Purzycki |
Traditions and social complexity: A critical examination |
December 2022 |
Aarhus University |
Bret Beheim |
Identifying tradeoffs between richness and evenness in artistic systems |
December 2022 |
Dimitris Xygalatas |
Ritual: How seemingly senseless acts make life worth living (book launch) |
May 2022 |
Dept. of Psychological Sciences, University of Connecticut |
Luke Glowacki |
Rituals for war and peace |
April 2022 |
Boston University |
Manvir Singh |
Why do human societies reliably develop suites of strikingly similar cultural practices? |
December 2021 |
Toulouse |
Joshua Conrad Jackson |
How socioecological threats shape patterns of conflict and cooperation |
October 2021 |
Northwestern University |
Rita Anne McNamara |
Ecologies of belief: How socio-ecological pressures shape mind perception and religious belief across cultures |
May 2021 |
Victoria University of Wellington |
Christopher Kavanagh |
Ritualized trauma & social bonding: Examining the role of dysphoric ritual experience in generating social bonds, identity transformations and extreme pro-group behavior |
April 2021 |
Oxford University |
Eleanor Power |
Faith in the faithful: Religious practice and social networks in rural south India |
November 2020 |
The London School of Economics and Political Science |
Rohan Kapitány |
The evolution of ritual: Origins, structure, and functions; Research credibility: Things you should do but might not want to |
October 2020 |
Oxford University |
Jiří Macháček |
Germanic-Slavic cultural diffusion in the Pohansko region during the Early Middle Ages |
February 2020 |
Masaryk University |